Monday, April 9, 2012

On "Bro Love"


Dear Connor,

I can’t really express how much your visit meant to me. To be able to see someone from home for even just a short while, it gave me the jolt I need to just remember every day to enjoy life here in Italy. And not just anyone: you are one of my oldest and friends, and I’d like to think our bond deepened considerably during these past three days: the philosophical conversation, the drinks shared, the dance off’s…I don’t mean to be all gushy and emotional, I’m just really really really happy we’re friends. You’re the type of guy that lives life to your own beat, seeking out epic experiences and always quick to share a smile or spread positive vibes. It’s no wonder you and Nicola hit it off hahaha Come to think of it, I think I thought of you when I met him the first time. Both you and he are super chill and super awesome.

Thank you for diving in to Bergamascan culture with gusto (: Not many of my friends have seen what Bergamo means to me first hand. It’s a HUGE part of who I am. Now you know why I gush about it all the time. And for you to accept it with open arms like you did, well that’s the best thing a friend could do. The family dinner, the central church, the crazy Caglioni family, everything that came your way, you just took on saying, “A family dinner? Let’s DO IT BIG!” That’s what I love about you man: You live BIG! Even if you couldn’t speak a word of Italian, I’m sure everyone you met could tell you were an awesome person. Your personality speaks a thousand words…And my aunt was completely serious when she said "come back any time" (: Our door is always open. 

Now, I don’t want this post/letter to reach Pride and Prejudice proportions of cheesiness, so I’ll just say one more thing: thank you for inspiring me. Even when you were making waves at States at Barlow, you always kept it cool and were always the same happy, spunky kid. All you want to do in this life is have fun every day. You’re certainly not lazy, it’s just that not many people (especially stuffy Americans) know when or how to take time out to just enjoy. Thanks a ton for always gettin’ the Led out, literally and figuratively!

                                      I Love You, Man,



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